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Introducing Destei’s new smooth hair Hungarian Vizsla / Hungarian Pointer dog illustration printed on all kinds of products starting from T-shirts and socks to tote bags, mugs, notepads, pet supplies and more. Welcome to discover cute Vizsla dog design products.

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About The Design

Destei’s Hungarian Vizsla dog illustration pictures a smooth coat Vizsla dog standing and looking towards the viewer with a kind face expression. The dog’s large droopy ears hang to the sides framing the face. The body looks muscular and strong with a tail that hangs down in a relaxed position. The coat color is a rusty orange or reddish brown that is typical to the breed. The eyes are light yellow and the pink color nose matches the dog’s coat.

There are a few different kind of background options for this cute Vizsla design. See the collections page to discover all the themes such as birthday, Christmas and more.

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